Once King Akbar, after listening to Tansen's music and singing, was much pleased with the great art as always, praises Tansen's art of singing and praises Tansen with respect.
He says to Tansen, 'You the best artist in the world, you are great, incomparable.'
King Akbar denies his answer, he says, ' You are getting ashamed Tansen, You are best among all.'
King Akbar is seen on a walk with Birbal, Tansen and others in the gardens. He starts the conversation with Birbal and asks him the reason for his silence. Does he not agree what the king has just said?. Birbal responds that just as Tansen has said there are better artist and musicians in this world.
King Akbar says to Birbal that he likes challenges and this time his challenge was to find a better singing artist than Tansen, which according to Akbar was next to impossible. Not satisfied by giving this challenge Akbar throws his valuable ring in a dry well and asks Birbal to bring out the ring from the well, without getting down in the well and without any support.
It seems Akbar loved issuing mental or intellectual challenges to Birbal as much as Birbal loved getting them. The greatness of man is often increased while facing the challenges. All great man we know have loved challenges and not got scared away by challenges or getting themselves down with the challenges.
About finding the better artist than Tansen, he had an instant answer, he said. 'Tansen's Guru (music teacher) is one, who is better than Tansen. Tansen readily agrees and tell that his teacher or guru is on pilgrimage and will be returning after a month'.
Birbal asks the king to wait for the return of the Guru and during that time, he will find a way to get the ring out of the well. The king agrees to what Birbal has said and tells him that he had one month to complete both the challenges.
After one month, the king reminds Birbal about the two challenges. Birbal says that Guruji is back, but the king will have to visit the Guru's home to listen to his singing as the Guru sings only for God and not for anyone else.
Those who sings or are serving God in any other way do their services only for God. Deep devotion and love for God flows through them. They would not sing or do anything to please any one, not even the richest and the greatest of the kings. They sing only for the love for God and devotion for God. The claps of people does not mean much to them, what has meaning for them is the love and devotion.
King Akbar known for his greatness, does not insist on calling the Guru to his palace but agrees to ride to his Guru's home. Not only that he was too pulled towards it just by the idea of listening to better singing than that of the amazing and soul satisfying singing of Tansen.
Next morning the king, Birbal and Tansen ride deep into a green forests where the Guru lived. From a distant they even had to leave their horses to reach the hut of the Guru. The king is asked to wait outside the hut and let the Guru come outside the hut and sing for his Lord, as he would not sing for anyone else. The king respects that and agrees.
After some wait the Guru appears from his little hut and starts singing outside his hut in devotion to God. The king is totally enchanted, he had never heard anything like this before. After the magical, soul enhancing song was over, the king visits the Guru with Tansen and Birbal. He praises the Guru's art, to which, truly a mark of greatness and real humbleness, the guru says that great is art and devotion, and not the individual.
The king tries to present him with some wealth, which is also humbly and gracefully denied. The king also put forward his desire of inviting the Guru to his palace where all his needs would be satisfied and the king could also listen to his singing when wished. This too is denied by the Guru, as he would sing only for his God and that the little hut in the forest was all that he needed for his devotion, and not the palace and it's richness.
This story is continued from Akbar Birbal Tales. Tales of Akbar and Birbal are widely popular in Indian subcontinent, for the wisdom and cleverness of the Legend of Birbal and generosity and greatness of King Akbar.
What happened to the ring challenge to Birbal...?
Birbal thought for some time and said, " Jahanpanah , If all goes well, I should get the ring out by dusk. Till then, Shahenshah, my plan must remain a secret." "No dirty tricks, Birbal! said one of the courtiers who was jealous of Birbal's wit.
"I won't dare do that, Alampana! I love life, said Birbal with a smile. " Shahenshah , I suggest you post a sentry to keep a watch on what Birbal does," the courtier appealed to the emperor. The emperor agreed and ordered two guards to keep a watch over the well.
I shall start working right away, Shahenshah . By evening you'll have the ring, if all goes well! said Birbal. The emperor wished Birbal luck and walked off with the courtiers. Birbal watched till the group vanished from sight. Then, he swung into action. He noticed a small hut at some distance. He hurried to the hut and called out, Is anybody in?
An old woman came out. Politely, Birbal asked her if he could buy a little cow dung from the pile that was lying in the corner. The old woman refused to take any payment but asked Birbal to help himself to the dung. Birbal rolled the dung carefully. Then, he walked back to the well with the cake of dung and let it drop into the well right above the ring. The dung hit the mark. He then turned and looked all around. His eyes fell on a medium-sized stone. He tied a string to the stone and holding one end of the string, he aimed the stone at the ball of dung and dropped it. The stone landed on its target. Birbal's face lit up with a sense of fulfillment. He tied the end of the string in his hand to a bush next to the well. 'Stay here. I shall come back before dusk,' Birbal told the guards. He walked off, happy at the thought that the heat would help him execute his plan.
An hour before dusk, Birbal set out from his house to the well. He untied the string tied to the bush and held it firmly. Then he walked up to the wall of the well and pulled the string towards him. The stone to which the other end of the string was tied moved up. Sticking to it now was the dried ball of dung. He pulled slowly and gently till the dried ball of dung was safely in his hands. He quickly crushed the dried dung. Down fell the ring!
Birbal headed for the palace in triumph. The durbar was full. ' Shahenshah! ' Birbal bowed. 'Did you get the ring?' the Emperor asked. 'Here it is, Alampana ,' said Birbal, giving the ring to the pleased Emperor.
He narrated the details of his plan to the curious emperor who was so impressed with Birbal's intelligence that he gave him a hundred gold mohars (coins)! ' Shahenshah! In all this world, there's no ruler more kind and generous than you!' said Birbal humbly. The emperor smiled gently, 'And in all this world, there's no ruler who has a better courtier than you, Birbal!
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